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Business, Featured

Rule Engine Implementation

Predominately, there are two kinds of solutions in the market for fraud detection and prevention 1) Based on rule engine 2) based on AI. Its not possible to support the instant decision making by using the AI engine, since it can’t handle the real time data directly. For instant decision making, rule engines are used universally. For credit card or debit card transaction where response time is 8 to 10 second, such solutions are ideal. Though its possible to use combination of both to make more efficient and accurate prediction.  We will discuss in this article different popular rule engine available in the market and combination of AI and rules solutions. There are five popular rule engines in the market:


FICO’s Blaze advisor


RedHat’s Decision manager


There is different way of comparing them in terms of price and ease of use.

Rule enginePrice RangeSupport costEase of implementation
IBM’s ODM100K GBP cloud version
400K GBP Enterprise version
1000 GBP per daySimple
Blaze advisor200K GBP1500 GBP per dayEasy
SASSame range as FICOSame range as FICOEasy
Redhat’s decision manager24K for 16 core supportSame as FICOSimple
DroolFreeSame as FICO
Disclaimer on price: This price are approximate prices; you need to contact vendors for exact price.

These comparison gives an idea about the used solution in the market. Please check the link – (https://www.trustradius.com/business-rules-management-brms) for more information on rule engines. The decision to buy a rule engine is subjective depending upon relationship with different vendors.

Once we manage to decide that which engine, we can afford to buy, next task comes to implement them and integrate them with web application for application, transaction and claim processing.

Rule engine implements the rules generated by one of the sources:

Expert in Fraud: The current trends are that rules are generated by expert in fraud. There are different experts in different domain such as credit card fraud, vehicle finance fraud, auto insurance, health care and home insurance. Based on past investigation, they derive rules from different fraud cases and these rules are implemented in rule engines.

AI Engine: Company such FICO, SAS and Sparkling logic provides different applications for generating rules. Customer need to purchase these applications separately.



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